Monday, September 20, 2010

baby steps.

Well, I set some goals last week, and here's how they all worked out.  Meditation... pretty good. I didn't make it every day but I am up to 7 minutes. I really am surprised that I can be still for that long. 
 I do think that my ability to focus is helped by this small exercise, and anything that helps me focus that isn't Ritalin or caffeine is a good thing. 

I did get a lot of things together that I need to get out of the house, either donate or sell.  I mention selling because the realization just hit me that I have car registration at the end of October, and I have no idea where the approximately $225 is going to come from for taxes and tags.  So I may try to Ebay/Etsy/Larryville/Craigslist some stuff, and I'm going to do whatever I can to sock away that money so I'm not freaking out on November 2, collecting tickets and avoiding driving and such. 

In other budget news... worked on THE BUDGET /planning with  Kids, I gotta tell you, that website is pretty damn cool.  You can hook up your bank accounts to it and it will send you reminders that your balance is low, you've gone over budget on gas or groceries, put on a sweater, take your vitamins.  I have no idea how it all works and I've probably just given all of my financial information to terrorists or Republicans, but hey.   It's a plan.  

I did not spend more than $15 at the store on fresh produce, I bought a cantaloupe for $2.49 and a bunch of bananas and tomatoes from the bargain bin at The Merc, totaling $4.75.   I made up for it by buying a book at the bookstore at my church today, and buying a book on Amazon Kindle.  Damn it.
AND I hit a garage sale (on a SUNDAY!) on the way home.  I got some princess dresses and a bag of various Popsicle molds,  which are both quite useful, because you can never have too many princess dresses.  The molds are to be used for freezing yogurt pops, as it's the only way to get Miss Particular to eat in the morning on many days. 

Okay, enough confession.  I planned 14 meals out using the food in my extremely unorganized pantry and freezer, which should last more than a few weeks.  I'll need to add simple staples but not much. 

I still need to fiddle with my resume.  I have a pile of Sunday coupons to clip, and more studying for TWO anatomy tests this coming week since Friday's test was canceled due to the Prof's sick baby.  I don't like sick babies, but sometimes they are a little gift from God for those of us who get extra study time and are NOT the ones being vomited upon.  

It's been a good weekend on many levels, I have less money left than I had planned, but only by a few dollars.  Unfortunately that's a few dollars that are not going in my DOUGLAS COUNTY TREASURER can.  Yes, I have a coffee can.  I need visual inspiration.   I'm just not as disciplined (YET) as Gypsy with the money, but I'll get there.   

As my dear friend Andy likes to say "It's aaaaalllll happening."   He also used to say..."well, at least we don't have locusts.". 
Whenever I feel pitiful I think of these two quotes, picture Andy saying them, and feel grateful to have him snoring on my couch right now.  There are some things that money just can't buy.

I'm going to go decide which Princess dress I'm going to wear tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're doing fabulously. And if you think I don't have moments of weakness, you got another thing coming. I bought a $17 box of red wine this weekend. Necessity? Maybe.


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