Thursday, December 2, 2010

Garage Sale Christmas

I am a frugalista, there is no doubt. But for some reason, I'm struggling with my decision to give my son a kitchen set that I bought at a garage sale for Christmas. This, I realize, it the stupidest thing I have ever written.

A) My son doesn't know what Christmas is.
B) My son doesn't know what a garage sale is.
C) My son thinks a Pottery Barn magazine is the best present ever.
D) My son thinks a Duplo block is a phone. ("Hi... hi. HI HI HI.")

I bought the (adorable, wooden, high-dollar) kitchen set from a friend at her garage sale last summer and left it at Kalli's because Johnny was way too young for it then. I have noticed that he likes the kitchen set at daycare, so it's time to bring ours home. VOILA. SANTA. It all makes perfect sense, especially given HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT CHRISTMAS YET.

But, I have a nagging feeling that I am a total a-hole of a parent, for pulling this gift charade over on my unsuspecting baby. Will I have to tell him one day that Santa brought him a used refrigerator for his second Christmas? Will he hate me for it later, and tell his therapist about it?

My son has very few things that have come to him shiny and new. Which is great. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Cheap. Love it all. But, sometimes is something new worth it? If so, when? Or, is it a good message to him? Shall I raise him on garage sale Christmases, so he learns to respect items and money and value?

Or am I just using recycling and "lessons" as an excuse to be myself: namely, the cheapest bitch in town?

Thursday, November 18, 2010


A few days ago my three-year-old daughter tried to take her big red guitar out to play at bedtime.  I told her "No".   She continued.  I told her "No, its not time to play guitar, it's time to..."  She continued, with a gleam in her eye.   The third time I said "NO", I stood up from my seat and walked over to her, picked up the guitar, and returned it to it's rightful place.   At that moment, Grace yelled defiantly, "You hitted me!  Don't hit me!!". 

Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!    Wha?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Within reason

I find myself worrying far too much, far too frequently, about what other people will think, about living up to, or even exceeding, "their" expectations.

I do it regarding my mother. She worked full time, had three kids, cooked dinner every night, and kept our house spic and span. I had clean sheets once a week, and my Keds were never dingy. She's a tough act to follow. She was active in her church, responsive to my grandparents' needs, and even managed to do some socializing, although probably not as much as I'd want to do. The woman ironed our jeans.

And with friends. I keep mental track of all the nice things my friends have ever done for me, and I want to make sure I "pay them back" adequately. I think about all the talents my friends have, be they crafty, sporty, cook-y, musical, or otherwise, and I think I should be able to do all that stuff, too, as well as all the stuff my mom did (I need to learn to sew so I can make Johnny's Halloween costumes!).

Even strangers. I look at the women I see online, and while I know that what I see online is only a "persona", I figure I better be as witty, savvy, and clever as they are, or even moreso. I look at how they take care of themselves, how their kids are in private schools, how their homes are full of just the right objects d'art, and I think I better get a move on. I see how they are feeding their families "unprocessed" foods and how they are managing their gardens and making daily bread from scratch. I feel bad for the box of Kroger Brand 'Nilla wafers on my shelf.

The trouble is, I say to myself, "WHEN?" I leave the house at 7:00 every morning, baby in tow. I get home after 4:00, usually closer to 5:00 because I have to do the shopping, and then I have to cook dinner, do laundry, bathe the kid, and pick up our messes. I need to spend some time just playing with the baby, and talking to my husband. By the time all that happens, it's 7:30, and I'm sitting down to watch a TV show while I upload and edit photos, or fold the last load of laundry for the evening. And dinner? It might have been Kraft Mac and Cheese, or it might have been homemade chicken and noodles, but I guarantee you even if it was the latter, those noodles came from a bag. I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME.

I do not have the time to get my eyebrows waxed, let alone get a facial. I do not have the time to bake a pie from pumpkin in a can, let alone roast and puree my own. I want to make all of my family's food from scratch, I want to do it more than anything, but it is not reasonable.

So, reasonable. That is what I'm going for these days. I can't keep our sheets clean all the time, and there will probably be a spill on the floor, and my outfit won't be the most fashion forward, and my cooking will only be semi-homemade. My blogs will contain unedited photos and my laundry will be sitting on the dresser instead of hung up neatly.

But we'll be clean, fed, and dressed. We'll be relatively healthy and I'll force a vegetable on us every night. It is reasonable to expect that sometimes my car will reach critical mass, and reasonable to assume my friends will be better than me at a lot of things. It is also reasonable to allow myself to go out now and then, to say "yes" to a beer and "no" to the laundry.

What I need most is to remember that while it may feel like everyone is judging me, that mostly comes from within. No one is spending time thinking about how my walls need better art, or how my outfit is from last year. And if they aren't thinking about it, why am I? I cannot do it all. I can't work, be super-mom, crafty-girl, homemaker and journalist. It's not reasonable. So I pick. I sometimes pick television over clean floors. I'll have to forgive myself, because I'm probably the only one who cares.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Let It Be

When my kid is angry or sad or anxious, it literally makes my stomach hurt. As a child, I felt that I had to measure the “temperature” (mood) of the room at all times, and therefore I continue to do it as an adult. I can sniff out others’ unhappiness like a droopy old hound.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Little things...

Enjoy the little things in life…for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things.

I saw this quote on a wall hanging at the florist when we went to order flowers for my grandmother’s funeral. I’ve been having what I refer to as “4th Quarter blues”… the last 3 months of the year are upon us… the holidays are approaching, bringing food, emotional baggage, a “Gammie” sized hole, and lots and lots of “STUFF”.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Taking off

I am trying to travel more.

It goes against my frugal sensibilities to travel, seeing as it means a bunch of eating out, a bunch of gas-use (or worse - plane tickets), and paying to sleep in a bed when I'm already paying the mortgage on my house.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Everybody's be Well

I embrace the concept of wellness. Not just from a grammatical standpoint. When people ask me how I am, I tend to say, “I’m well!” (Exclamation point intentionally included, I’m a very enthusiastic person.)
My husband, the English major, whom we fondly refer to as “The Editor” (with emphasis on the third syllable, like a comic book hero or villain) tells me I’m presumptuous in my remark. “I’m good,” is more conversational and acceptable. (He would also now tell me I have used too many parenthetical asides.) Meh.
I work with a lot of massage therapists and personal trainers. Through osmosis, I have absorbed the concept of total wellness and seek it in my life. “Wellness” means “healthy,” and “healthy” includes mind, body and spirit.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I digress...

WTF, October?

I saw a tree today that was completely yellow. Every fall I have this moment… a yellow or red tree, the slant of the sun, the blue of the sky…it momentarily takes my breath away and I think “Hey, when did this happen?? It’s fall?”

Friday, October 8, 2010

The word "positive" takes on a whole new meaning

This is the first post (of hopefully many) by Stephanie, who is here to talk to us about a unique challenge and her process of meeting the kind of goal that isn't entirely up to her. No budget can really solve this problem. Thank you, Steph, for showing up with this.

I was one of those girls that was always ‘really careful’ when I was younger because I didn’t want to get pregnant. Every time I thought that though, something else went through my mind – watch me not be able to get pregnant once I’m ready. Fast forward a few years to present day –

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Leaving the pity party

On Tuesday night, I fell apart.

I walked in the door and set down my purse, barely able to mumble a hello to my husband who was patiently feeding our teething and temperamental baby his dinner.

I had been at The Yacht Club, having a beer with some co workers as a farewell to my boss. My beloved boss. The nicest, most supportive, funniest, sweetest boss on the face of the entire planet.

I left the party early because I found myself sitting there with my mouth twisted into a grimace, trying to talk with the others about my boss's new job, where he'd live, and what our office plans to do in his absence - all the while feeling like I might have to make a mad dash to the bathroom.

When I got home, I laid on the couch and a few tears escaped. What was this? Was I crying for my boss? Seemed unlike me. I like him a lot, will miss him, but really? This overwrought show of emotion? A little overly dramatic for my taste.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Growing Pains

I walked across my living room floor, strewn with textbooks, Chuck Taylors, Sun Chips, and a dizzying mix of settling hormones and Smith’s songs. My thoughts? Maybe I should have had more children. Earlier, teenagers had filled the house. Laughing, eating, joking about school, comparing stories about classes and teachers, and exuding the powerful force of rawness and youth.
I floated on the periphery, in the kitchen on a rare evening off, cooking some meals for the week so the leftovers wouldn’t go bad. I soaked up their energy. I worked five feet away, yet they seemed unaware I could hear them.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


A friend came over last night, she had asked me to record “Hoarders” for her and wanted to watch it after dinner. So I gathered my knitting and settled on the couch to watch it with her. After 20 minutes, I had to ask her if we could PLEASE turn it off. It was really freaking me out.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The big tent

My first Brewfest with Todd was in 2007. In 2008, he was on the road, and in 2009 we had a brand new baby so no one went. Todd joined me again this year, 2010, for a day of beer sampling, eating, and live music, and a night of campfires, friends, more beer, and camping. Since it had been a couple of years since he had been able to go to this favorite-of-events, Todd has been thinking about it and preparing himself for quite some time. It's one of our favorite things we do together,

Sunday, September 26, 2010


 The crisp air of fall is descending upon us, the feeling of fall in the air makes me want to have a crystal ball and see into the future… the winter months are approaching, my income is highly inadequate and unstable, and I would definitely prefer to keep a roof over our heads through the winter, at least. All of this puts me in the situation of feeling uncertain of the future, desperately needing to stick to a budget, and doubting my ability to keep all the balls in the air (think juggling,people.)

Think about it!

by Jen Flippin, new contributor to this page! (Welcome, Jen. We're so glad you're taking time to join our conversation.)

Do you think about what you think about? Do your thoughts govern you or do you govern them?

Can I use govern as a verb? I’m pretty sure I can, but still...that’s a lot of questions all at once!

I don’t know about you, but I have stories I like to tell myself.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Home Date: A budgeter's dream

"Family game night" is my husband's idea of his own personal hell. The idea of sitting around playing board games and "gee golly-ing" all night makes him throw up a little in his mouth. And I get it. We were, just a few years ago, Lawrence scenesters in our own way. We went out to bars, saw movies at Liberty Hall, or took in a local band several nights a week.

Now, there is a baby. So not only is there no time for all of that gadding about, but there's really no money for it either. We find ourselves at home more and more all the time, and we're getting more and more used to it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

baby steps.

Well, I set some goals last week, and here's how they all worked out.  Meditation... pretty good. I didn't make it every day but I am up to 7 minutes. I really am surprised that I can be still for that long. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Slow and steady.

I said before that it's impossible to do this all at once. We can't just flip a switch and become budgeters, savers, healthy eaters, mental giants, and Zen thinkers. I think it's so important to see this is a process. I also think it's important to create one habit before you pile another on.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Budgeting 102

So Step 1 is making a budget spreadsheet. And it's very important to remember that you can't make a million budget and lifestyle changes at once. It took me over a year to become the meal-planning, coupon-using, spreadsheet-making value monger I am today. I did not try to implement all of these things at once. In fact, I am just now arriving on the door of the coupon. Trying to do it all at once is impossible and will result in utter failure.

You mean I have to budget AND stick to it?

I need a job. And a couple thousand dollars. And a budget. Also-- health insurance, motivation, and discipline.

I am stuck in such a pickle because

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Budgeting 101

When Stephanie and I were planning our respective weddings in the summer of 2008, we both were dealing with tight budgets. We compared notes about wedding spending, what money to put where, and how to shave pennies off the bottom line.

After that, we both got a little obsessed.


Four years ago, I started a new job. It was a job I was fairly excited about - a transition from one career path to another. It was a fresh start.

The job turned out to be a nightmare.


Be present.

I heard someone on a “The Moth” podcast this morning say “It would be a lot easier to “BE PRESENT” if you were actually in the right place.” I look outward and see myself as being a few steps away at any given moment from where I want to be. I forget that sometimes…

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bring it!

what will you regret? what will you change? ...and why put it out there?

Believe it or not, keeping your promises to yourself inspires others.  Your willingness to share

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Listened to a discussion tonight on the phenomenon of the "emotional hangover", in which one indulges in negative emotions like hate, envy, anger--whatever negativity you can think up for yourself, and then feels even WORSE afterwords.  

I've been swimming in bad attitudes during the past week...anxiety, procrastination, and feeling generally negative about myself.  The emotional hangover is coming soon,

looking for something?